Episode 52: Cayce Lee: Expecting The Unexpected + Making Peace With Time

[TRIGGER WARNING: Infant loss and traumatic birth]

This week Chondra and Misha sit down for a heartfelt talk with Alesana online store + social media manager, band wife and wonder woman, Cayce Lee. From her journey through friendship to love with husband Dennis, to her ongoing advocacy efforts for children born prematurely and other families of children with medical complexities after their daughter Eris was born at 22 weeks. Cayce offers profound advice in sharing her story, including how to help friends and family who may be going through the unexpected and why you CAN plan, but also be ready to pivot in life. Also, the pros and cons of social media, the unseen business of touring, the absolute joy of hoarding books and cute photo shoots in flower fields.

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Episode 53: Minisode On the Show's Theme Song


Episode 51: Minisode on Favorite Venues