Episode 70: Kelly Cervantes: Normal Broken, Writing Through The Unimaginable + Love On & Off-Broadway
[Warning: This week's episode speaks to the loss of a child}
This week's episode features a very special guest and the show's first Theater Wife, acclaimed author, mama and profound thinker, Kelly Cervantes for a candid and heartfelt conversation about embracing unthinkable grief, adapting through life's challenges, and her recent book Normal Broken. There are also tips and strategies for making it through transitional periods (like her husband Miguel's recent return to regular life, after retirement from his role as the longest-running principal role in Hamilton) goosebumps left and right, and the most perfect advice for everyone including, "Be the fucking cockroach!"
Episode 68: Kristin Colby Way: Reading With Friends, Kindergarten Empty Nesters + Analyzing Reality TV
Bundle up, babies, it's cold outside...hopefully.
This week, the Wives are cuddling up for a sweet chat with delightful guest and marketing mama, Kristin Colby Way to talk about everything from her online book club Stay Connected and overseas ventures on tour with two littles (with double the kid STUFF!) to the importance of family, Disney and the deep psychological mindf@*k that is reality TV.
Also, if this episode has predicted correctly, Misha is likely riding a reindeer through Norway at this very moment and Chonny is ice skating her way to school pick up.
Get those mittens on and let's get real.